Forms & Policies

Academic Bankruptcy is a retroactive withdrawal from one academic term of study due to extenuating circumstances that had a significant impact on the student’s academic performance. Visit this website to learn more about The University of Alabama’s policy. Culverhouse College of Business requires an appeal letter, documentation and two semesters of improved full time ( “B” average ) coursework since the term you are filing against.  If you have read the policy and would like to request Academic Bankruptcy for a specific term, please complete this form.

Once you have submitted the form, allow a minimum of five business days for a response from Culverhouse Student Services.  If you have any questions about this policy or the form, visit 10 Bidgood Hall or call (205) 348-4537.

Academic Second Opportunity (ASO) is for students who have been away from The University of Alabama for 3 or more years and could benefit from a fresh start in terms of their UA GPA.  For more information about The University of Alabama Academic Second Opportunity policy, visit this website.  If you have read the policy and would like to request Academic Second Opportunity, please apply for readmission and then petition for ASO using this form.

Once you have submitted the form, allow a minimum of 48 business hours for a response from Culverhouse Student Services. If you have any questions about this policy or the form, visit 10 Bidgood Hall or call (205) 348-4537.

Students have the option to audit a course or change certain courses to a pass/fail grade mode. Review the information in the academic catalog about auditing a course or changing the grade mode to pass/fail on this website.
For either request, Culverhouse students should obtain instructor permission via email and then forward it to the University Registrar at 
Please include First and Last legal name, CWID, the class prefix number, and section and term you wish to apply the Audit or Pass/Fail option. 

This form is for students outside the Culverhouse College of Business who are A&S Economics majors or have a Culverhouse minor. Culverhouse students should contact their academic advisor if a permit is needed. If you would like to request a permit for a Culverhouse College of Business course, please complete this form.  

If you need a permit specifically for GBA 146, 246 or GBA 346, please complete this form

Once you have submitted the form, allow a minimum of 48 business hours for a response from Culverhouse Student Services. If you have any questions about course permits or the form, visit 10 Bidgood Hall or call (205) 348-4537.

A student who receives a grade of incomplete (I) in a course needs to immediately contact the professor to discuss a plan to complete the remaining work.  As soon as you and your professor have agreed upon a plan with due dates, please complete this form and attach it here.

Once you have submitted the form, allow a minimum of 48 business hours for a response from Culverhouse Student Services. If you have any questions about this policy or the form, email

See the Academic Calendar and Student Accounts Calendar for more information about registration deadlines.

Culverhouse students who are requesting to add or drop a class after the deadline should complete this form. Note: In most cases, instructor approval is required, and written documentation of the approval must be submitted with the form request.

Once you have submitted the form, allow a minimum of 48 business hours for a response from Culverhouse Student Services. If you have any questions about this policy or the form, visit 10 Bidgood Hall or call (205) 348-4537.

Students can apply for graduation via myBama.  See the Academic Calendar for more information about graduation application deadlines.

If you have missed the deadline to apply for graduation for your desired term, you can request a late graduation application by completing this form.

Note: There will be a late fee in addition to the standard graduation fee and your name may not appear in the commencement program.

Once you have submitted the form, allow a minimum of 48 business hours for a response from Culverhouse Student Services. If you have any questions about this policy or the form, email

University of Alabama students have a maximum hours limit based on the term and the level of classes they are taking. You will need to request an increase of the maximum hours limit If you try to add a class and receive the error below:

Maximum Hours Exceeded: Registration for this class will cause you to exceed the maximum allowable hours for the current term.

To request the increase, please complete this form.

Once you have submitted the form, allow a minimum of 48 business hours for a response from Culverhouse Student Services. If you have any questions about this policy or the form, visit 10 Bidgood or call (205) 348-4537.

UA policy sets a high standard for granting such requests. The conditions prompting your request must be serious and extraordinary. Your petition and documentation to participate in the undergraduate commencement ceremony before your last semester of enrollment will be reviewed for consideration. Students requesting to walk out of turn will not be listed in the printed Commencement program. Latin Honors regalia is NOT provided to students electing to walk out of turn.

If you would like to petition to walk out of turn please complete this form.

Students who have not attended The University of Alabama for a full academic year will need to apply for readmission. Visit this website for more information and to complete the application (scroll down to the last block).

If you have any questions about readmission, please contact the Office of Admissions at (205) 348-5666.

After you have been readmitted, please reach out to Culverhouse Student Services office for a mandatory advising appointment to register for classes. Please click here for more information

Culverhouse students are allowed a maximum number of attempts to complete certain courses with a C- or better. You will need to request an override of the course repeat limit if you try to add a class and receive the error below:

You are attempting to exceed the maximum allowable repeat attempts for this course. Please contact your college’s student services office.

To request the increase, please complete this form.

Once you have submitted the form, allow a minimum of 48 business hours for a response from Culverhouse Student Services. If you have any questions about this policy or the form, visit 10 Bidgood or call (205) 348-4537.

The University of Alabama reviews each student’s academic record at the end of term of enrollment (fall, spring, and summer) to determine academic standing. Students who do not meet the Scholastic Progress Standards may face academic suspension. The full policy is available on this website.

If you received notification of a one-term or indefinite suspension or if you have questions about this policy, please visit 10 Bidgood or call (205) 348-4537 for an appointment.

If you are a currently enrolled UA student and would like to request an initial evaluation or a re-evaluation of a transfer course from another institution, contact your preferred advisor for assistance. If you do not have a preferred advisor, visit 10 Bidgood Hall during Drop-In hours.