Culverhouse Student FAQs

Q: What computer should I buy?

A: A personally-owned computer running Microsoft Windows 10 or later is required in order for students to have a device that is compatible with the software and systems used within the Culverhouse College of Business. More info about computer technology requirements here.

Q: Are payment plans an option at UA?

A: Yes, please go here for more information about payment plans

Q: How do I get advised?

A: All Culverhouse students will be advised by Culverhouse Student Services through various digital points. You can schedule an appointment by:

Q: When is the last day to add or drop a course without a “W”?

A: Check the UA Academic Calendar for current add/drop dates.

Q: What do I do if I have registration issues?

A: Culverhouse Student Services will be available to answer registration questions. Staff can be reached at

Q: I have an advising hold/PIN.  Do I still need to meet with my advisor?

A:  Call Culverhouse Student Services Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. at 205-348-4537. The purpose of the hold is to allow us to check-in and touch base about your academic progress which can be done over the phone.

Q: Faculty aren’t responding to my e-mails. What do I do?

A: If you do not get a response from your professor within a few days of initial contact, please send a copy of your email(s) to the department chair of the instructor asking the best method to get in touch.

The department chairs are: